When your company is inthe market for Entertainment Character Licensing, Brand Licenses, LicensedCharacter Brands, character product values, licensed merchandise, brand apparel,fashion brands, color, colorful prints customer retail licenses, retailerswholesale character merchandise, Brand game images, brand values, establishedbrand product sales images, established brands marketing; Licensee or licenser,Look no further!
Green Springs characters provide a market of attractiveimages for company, corporate, family, fun products, food packaging, productawareness, attention, royalty items and images for increased royalties;
Uniquedifferentiated product images, provide parity in the retail market for advertising,communication and relationship packaging that attracts the customer and generatesincreased sales;
Which can pay big dividends in future sales.
Ifyou represent Burger King, Mc Donalds, Sears, Wall Mart, Costco, Winco, IndependentMerchandiser or other company, and have a new service or product for merchandising,you may wish to try these characters in license to promote your product.
Newproducts need unique imaging persistence in multiple categories for marketcoverage. Green Springs characters are unique and child tested at children'sfestivals.
For Confectionery, food, toy, trinket, apparel, fashionor sports; Children's wear, infant prints, toddler toys, teen merchandise
Toy company or clothing district sales, say Green Springs Character Brand Licensing and Merchandising!