| | Cascade Siskiyou National Monument - New News: *** Follow the Private Property legal debates at http://www.stewardsoftherange.org Read and keep up to date on the Cascade Siskiyou National Monument Land Grab and Department of the Interior Federal "Make Work" Social dependency programs through forest service regulatory and land condemnation inter office self bureacratic created social government jobs. BLM Expands the area! BLM misuse of funds. Old News New Again! Click here for JCPLC compilation of news on the Cascade Siskiyou National Monument. Keep calling your representatives! BLM expands the Cascade Siskiyou National Monument again! MAIL in your opinions to Bush, other state and county representatives. A map will also be created to show the local population as a whole has been an is against the monument.
Know what this little sign is? This is a "vehicle travel - off road prohibited" sign BLM told local residences would not happen for three years. Already handicapped hunters who have alicense to hunt from their vehicle, are blocked from enjoying land they havehunted and camped on for years. This proves that BLM employees are nothing but socialists who wish to make little playgrounds for their over staffed, over paid and unneeded employees simply to expand their ever consumptive bureaucracy. Photo 2 shows the extent of waste to your tax dollarsBLM goes to. BLM hired contractors to walk along cat roads and drag sticksinto the middle all along its path at contractors pay (as if you couldnot drive to the left or right of it or simply just run the sticks over). | | Still not concerned? When you are ticketed on a "Monument" it is a FEDERAL OFFENSE subject to FEDERAL FINES and FEDERAL COURTS! Removal of a rock from a monument is a FEDERAL OFFENSE! Another reason the Federal government needs to be kicked out of Independent States business and lands, all the way back to Washington DC. Klamath Falls OregonKlamath Water Adjudication Heats up. *KLAMATH FALLS, OREGON HISTORY WITH 20,000 STRONG BUCKET BRIGADE! BLM EXPANDS MONUMENT 290 ACRES THATEQUALS OVER 1000 ACRES IN BACK DOOR CONDEMNATION OF PRIVATE PROPERTY! ***This headline has BLM's Letter to property owner and Clinton's Monument Declaration presenting that all lands within the boundary, when sold, must be only sold to the Federal Government! Actual copies of letters are shown. Look out for Socialist Propaganda! BLM and other Bureaucrats cry when you you talk about taking their jobs and food from their children's mouths yet have no animosity about regulating the people (who pay for their high salaries, dental, doctor and high retirement)... right into the ground; our children included - which can only dream about having the benefits our so called "servants" have! They care nothing about our children or our livelihoods; and yet they wish to extract sympathy from us?! What is not taken into consideration, is that these "servants" while being paid salaries from the public that hires them, are constantly plotting and planning to take land from the public access and private ownership and place it into an ever growing bureaucracy for the purpose of increasing their own salaries, bureaucratic job growth, further entrenching their job security and increasing their retirement. We, on the other hand, must fight them without pay, and use up time we need to try making a living in the private sector to fight our own government and to try to keep them from taking and regulating our land so much that we cannot make a living from it. There is only one way to get rid of these public leeches (don't like the description? Get out in the real world and try to make a living andthen tell me my description is wrong) and that is to 1. Stop hiring them byputting a freeze on nonessential government jobs - then close out and sellthe buildings of those that fail to have enough personnel to run them. 2.Lift restrictive zoning and building laws that restrict free enterprise fromgrowing - zoning simply squeezes free enterprise into the open hands of governmentbureaucracies who have no restrictions on growth! Growth continues to happen,it just directs it to the path of least resistance! 3. Restrict all governmentagencies from being part of any type of union. 4. Reduce all government wagesto the average Americans salary in their state (whether federal or stateemployed) . 5. Vote in all government employees. 6. Privatize where everpossible. 7. Transfer as much federal property and jobs to each respectivestate where it can be directly regulated by the public most affected.8. Treat all of the Bill of Rights as absolute, literal and supreme LAW aswell as those of all reasonings put forth in the Declaration of Independence; THIS Document, The Declaration of Independence, for which the Revolutionary war was fought, and which defines freedom and what being an American means (instead of some fool liberals new invention that being an American is some changeable interpretation). Thousands died for this document alone - none died in the ratification of the Constitution. One should also note that the Constitution itself would never had been ratified without its inclusion of the Bill of Inalienable RIGHTS. Something the socialists (they are in fact socialists as their works are exactly that of socialists) of thisgovernment continue to shove aside. In fact the Constitution is and willalways be subject to this document; ("...any government") And each and everyAmerican is bound by his and her "Right and Duty" as described therein. Don't have a copy? Click Here! Such bureaucraticexpansion is a sure sign that government unions and environmental nonprofitorganizations are the new socialism in America. Their blatant aggressions present a threat to freedoms which can only be curtailed and stopped by freezes on hiring of federal employees; By returning land to the states thereby reducing their voting strength through reducing their numbers. So called nonprofit agencies in turn need to be just that - nonprofit and regulated and limited to their involvement with the government, land acquisitions, general area dealings and involvement (must be locally ran for local issues by local people - state granted, not federal) and hourly wage limits set so not to encourage being developed as a business under the "guise" of being charitable or helpful as to a cause. Because of corporation, government and private unions and specialinterests....all socialistic in their operation,... independent single propertyowners and businesses do not stand a chance among the regulations, zoning,fiscal controls, price propping and meddling; and most of all, the invasionof the RIGHT of private property ownership. By reading this and carefully reviewing how agencies like BLM work. You will see how placing a freeze on federal agency hiring and steady reduction of their presence is the only way to reduce the ever expanding bureaucracies by which socialism is created. *CARA HR 701 THREATENS PRIVATE PROPERTY. Print and mail to your representatives. U.S. Houseof Representatives Dear Honorable: U.S. House of Representatives I am deeply concerned about CARA, the Conservation and Reinvestment Act, known as HR 701 which is scheduled to have a hearing in the House Resources Committee June 20, 2001. The hearing may be delayed. The Committee is expected to try to vote on the measure in early July. I believe this is a rush to judgment.CARA is so dangerous it is hard for me to imagine that some Congressmen haveturned their backs on private property rights and access to Federal lands. I believe the Committee is failing to invite or listen to many witnesses about the negative impacts from CARA. Their testimony would benefit the American People and save billions of dollars. I implore you to ask the House Resources Committee to hold field hearings around the U.S. so people who would be hurt by HR 701 would have an opportunity to testify. Please review my responses to the following statements and consider this document my testimony to be inserted in the record hearing held by the House Resources Committee on CARA (HR 701) I understand that I can add additional comments and pages. I wish that a photocopy of this document be considered as valid as the original. 1. CARA actually helps expand Forest Service Roadless Areas and Closed Roads Policies. There are millions of acres of private land and mining claims inside existing and newly designated roadless areas. CARA makes targets of people owning land, mining claims or other private interests in or near those areas. 2. Condemnation is included in CARA. Even Federal condemnation can occur if specifically authorized by legislation. I oppose condemnation (eminent domain) by BOTH Federal and state agencies. 3. Attempts to include a true "willing seller" requirement in CARA weredefeated by the full House last year. No CARA funds should be used to forceany landowner, farmer, rancher, mining claim owner, homeowner or other rightsholder to sell against his will. 4. CARA specifically targets inholders (people who own property, miningclaims, forestry contracts and many other types of private rights insideFederal areas) for acquisition and removal. 5. A very small percentage of CARA goes to urban parks and ball fields for soccer moms. Pass separate legislation giving them their fair share Please don't sell me out and threaten my community just to dole out some congressional pork. 6. CARA provides hundreds of millions of dollars each year for environmental groups and land trusts. Some of these groups use their funds to sue landowners and Federal land users to stop their activities. I should not be forced to allow my tax dollars to support organizations that want to destroy my economic livelihood. 7. Hunters and sportsmen will gradually lose access to acquired lands as they are converted into off-limits areas. 8. Congress seems to be operating under the misguided notion that most inholders want to sell. The reality is most inholders don't want to sell and the General Accounting Office has issued reports showing how few people get fair market value from Federal agencies. 9. CARA provides nearly $3 billion per year, most of it available for land acquisition, in several automatic trust funds that avoid having to compete in the congressional appropriations process each year with other social priorities such as cancer research, prescription drugs, healthcare, education ar the military. This is wrong. Land Acquisition should not have a privileged status in the congressional budget process. 10. Additional U.N. Biosphere Reserves and World Heritage Sites will bethe result if CARA passes Congress. I don't want any loss of US Sovereignty. 11. All lands with Endangered Species will be targets of land acquisition. 12. CARA supports efforts by Green groups to designate hundreds of new areas of private land as new Federal areas. They'll just say, "Let the Trust Fund pay for it." 13. The Federal land agencies are over $12 billion behind in deferred maintenance according to the House Appropriations Committee. We should take care of what we have before buying more. 14. Some local communities adjacent to Federal areas think CARA fundingwill help tourism. Actually, the record of Federal land agencies when theyget land acquisition money is to drive out inholders, reduce economic activity, destabilize the local real estate market and eliminate small business while locking up the land and locking out the people. 15. The groups supporting CARA all expect to get huge amounts of pork money from it. The irony is the Wall Street Journal reports that the states have huge surpluses. Why should state fish and game agencies buy land with Federal taxpayer dollars? This is the worst kind of pork barrel politics. 16. Land acquisition has always been used as a weapon by the Federal land agencies to regulate and control private land. 17. CARA will cause hundreds of small communities in existing Federal areas to be wiped off the map. 18. Large amounts of CARA will go to the Nature Conservancy and other land trusts to buy land and sell it to the government, often at a profit, undermining the economic ecosystem of local communities. 19. Federal land acquisition buys private land and removes it from the tax rolls thereby increasing the tax burden of other local taxpayers and reducing important services such as schools, hospitals and libraries. 20. An amendment to require no net loss of private land was defeated inthe Senate last year. I want my Congressman to insist that the governmentsell lower priority lands if they want to buy more. ----------------------------------- ON CASCADE SISKIYOU MONUMENT: Gale Norton has presented herself as either being incapacitated or deaf. We ask that you send your contestment of the Cascade Siskiyou Monument directly to the president. How to address: The President The White House Washington D.C. 20500 My Dear Mr. President: ----------------- You seem, by your lack of action, to intend to keep Clinton's Executive Order Monuments. This is against the will of the people most affected; This follows your fathers "sellout" ideals to environmentalists at the end of his term. Why are you not acting! Water Rights: Follow the Klamath Falls Adjudication. News and actual cases. Property Rights: " People for the USA" nation wide center for Private Property Rights | | | | Welcome to Pacific Westcom. The Pacific West Coast's premiere US Pacific West Command Web Center Station for US Pacific News, US pacific west weather, US pacific west coast travel, US pacific west coast entertainment usarpac and worldwide access to the best international & US sites on the Web Serving the US West Coast States of Alaska, Canada, Washington, Oregon, California and Mexico. US West North to US West South, we have the information you need! 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IMA your Spiritual and Celestial beings Contact, Negotiation and, where necessary, Elimination and Confinement Specialists, when you have invisible and unseen problems arrise, Do not be Spooked, call IMA Seeking God SPRI, Spiritual Physics Recognition Institute, Private Science at Home Experimentation and Research Forum | | | | Freedom Cgsc Afcea Amc Mtmc Usarpac Uspacom Medcom Forscom Usasoc USA US, US Army IMA, Barracks, Docks, US Navy, US Air Force, US Marines, Green Barrett, Special Forces, Navy Seals, WW I - World War 1 one, WW II World War 2 two, Command, Base Center; Oregon, California, Fire Department, LA Fire, Santa Anna, US Forestry, Oregon State, College; A PWN weather sponsored link county, city and state. Zoning and other Regulations that obstruct truly free enterprise but for those who can purchase or manipulate them are a bane to true liberty and above all other factors in this country create unemployment. Zoning does not control growth, Zoning and regulations control people; and forces free enterprise into the open arms of a government bureaucracy where growth is untethered; Increasing social bureaucratic dependency and increasing the burden on free enterprise and a free people. True American Freedom begins with education of the Declaration of Independence and the 40 Grievances that define 40 definitions to recognize tyranny in government. Have you read them? Read the Declaration of Independence now at the Oregon Patriot Party http://www.oregonpatriotparty.com Educating civilians, military, militia and the world about true American freedom defined by the founding fathers of this country. Oregon Patriot Party of the American Patriot Party and CDF, educatingtrue freedom and justice, one Patriot at a time. Thomas Jefferson: "Rightful liberty is unobstructed action according to our will within limits drawn around us by the equal rights of others. I do not add 'within the limits of the law', because law is often butthe tyrant's will, and always so when it violates the rights of the individual. ~~" American Patriot Party National Headquarters True American Patriots, True American Patriotism. The Democratic Republic of Jefferson - Inalienable Rights, States Rights, Local Control | | |