
Immigration, American Policies, United States Immigration issues, American Patriot Party Stand on Issues.

American Patriot Party

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The American Patriot Party believes in repairing the real problems of immigration:

1.) Dealing with a corrupt Mexican Government,

2.)  Repairing or removing the federal and state laws that create the burdens,

3.) Creating a
tax system that  reduces tax burdens to a point in which  it is un-burdensome and paid by all those who visit our country also, which would render much of the controversies of today to the greater extent nonexistent.

4.) Create a border policy that pays for itself with regard to control, protection, immigration and responsibilities of migrant workers entering the U.S.


Founders Intent of Freedom
The Myth of Over Population
Over Population Myth Used to Control People
Solutions in Mexico
Mexico's Distant Legislatures
Policies with Mexico
Solutions in the United States
More Control Less Futility
Common Sense U.S. and States Regulations on Border Crossing
English as the National Language


Founders Intent of Freedom

We are not opposed to legal immigration; and though the borders need to be protected from enemies, border immigration has deeper ramifications based on the guarantees of the Declaration of Independence which prohibits limiting or placing harsh restrictions on immigration.

Our positions on immigration are established by reviewing and considering the documents that define the Founder's intent.

This intent of Freedom is founded in these documents:


Declaration of Independence, 1776 - Thomas Jefferson


3rd Grievance

 (one of the Definitions of Tyranny)

He has refused to pass other laws for the "accommodation" of large districts of people,

unless those people would relinquish the right of representation in the legislature;

a right inestimable to them and formidable to tyrants only


7th Grievance

 (one of the Definitions of Tyranny)


"He has endeavored to prevent the population of these states;

for "that purpose" obstructing the laws for "naturalization" of foreigners;

refusing to pass others to encourage their migration hither,

and raising the conditions of new appropriations of lands."

(Read the Declaration of Independence)

Laws are still relevant here. It is both the obstruction of those laws, refusal to make laws to accept naturalization of foreigners and to allow large districts of people; and these opposing intents that define tyranny.

The intent in freedom was to allow people who wished to enter the country, to enter the country.

Not only simply a few people, but "large districts" of people.

Laws that, for the purpose of preventing the population to grow in this country, was strongly opposed and expressly considered an act of tyranny by the Founders.

The government is not given, nor does it possess, the power to control population.


Absolute Rights of the Colonists,  1772 - Samuel Adams

Rights as Men:  All Men have a Right to remain in a State of Nature as long as they please: And in case of intolerable Oppression, Civil or Religious, to leave the Society they belong to, and "enter into another".--

In short it is the greatest absurdity to suppose it in the power of one or any number of men at the entering into society, to renounce their essential natural rights, .... as is before observed, are life "liberty" and property.

"The natural
"liberty" of man is to be free from any superior power on earth, and not to be under the will or legislative authority of man; but only to have the law of nature for his rule."--


Rights as Subjects:  "... That these Colonists are well entitled to all the essential rights, liberties and privileges of "men and freemen", born in Britain, is manifest, not only from the Colony charter, in general, but acts of the British Parliament

*** "The statute of the 13th of George 2. c. 7. "naturalizes" "even foreigners" after "seven years residence"."


The words of the Massachusetts Charter are these, "And further our will and pleasure is, and we do hereby for us, our heirs and successors, grant establish and ordain, that all and every of the subjects of us, our heirs and successors, which
shall "go to and inhabit within" our said province or territory and every of their children which shall happen to be born there, or on the seas in going thither, or returning from thence shall have and enjoy, all liberties and immunities of free and natural subjects within any of the dominions of us, our heirs and "successors",  to all "intents" constructions & purposes "whatsoever" as if they and every of them were born within this our Realm of England."

(see Rights of the Colonists)


The Rights of the Colonists gives us a clear picture of the founders intent of a free society.

The first, Rights as Men, is a measure of leniency and follows the Declaration of Independence in intent.

Note also that citizenship in those days, recognized people moving into the colonies by land or sea and simply becoming part of the citizenry, working and buying property.

After 7 years, they became citizens.

Some properties and people through land and territories being purchased or acquired through treaties were simply "citizens by circumstance". (The Louisiana Purchase would be only one of many later examples)

The last issue would relate mostly to those US citizens "within the country, provinces and territories";

Further, it can also relate to today's laws and mistaken by people from other countries having children here as a guarantee for citizenship for those children; 

A misconception that adds much burden to our present tax, welfare and other burdens; Programs which in themselves are mismanaged to the same effect and compound this particular problem.



 (#41) All merchants may enter or leave England unharmed and without fear, and may "stay" or "travel" within it, by land or water, for purposes of trade, free from all illegal exactions, in accordance with ancient and lawful customs. This, however, does not apply in time of war to merchants from a country that is at war with us. Any such merchants found in our country at the outbreak of war shall be detained without injury to their persons or property, until we or our chief justice have discovered how our own merchants are being treated in the country at war with us. If our own merchants are safe they shall be safe too.

One of the earliest foundations and declarations establishing inalienable rights of free men and of the church apart from the government, royalty and legislative, is the Magna Carta, which encouraged free trade, but did have laws and customs for those who did trade.

It presented an open door policy but also with regard to the ancient laws and "customs" (not just arbitrary law).


The Myth of Overpopulation

Another fallacy regarding illegal immigration, is that population is the cause of bad job markets and taxation.

It is not population. We are not over populated, and over population is not the problem.

Consider this, if we were to give newborn infants and children the same average measurement as adults, and give the adult shoulder measurement of 3' (which is usually wider than normal) and 1 foot chest depth (this one varies.. however, the infants and smaller people should make the average far less),  or approx. 3 square feet per person;

 300 Million people times 3 square feet. = 900,000,000 square feet

1 square mile = 27,878,400 square foot  X 36 square miles = 1,003,622,400 square feet

The entire population of the United States stood front to back and side to side covers less than 36 square miles;

Or, 6 miles by 6 miles -

With room to spare.

This is a numerical fact - and barely a speck on a map.

And 95% of this amount dies off every 75 years from natural or unnatural causes; So we need population.

Try drawing a "in scale" square of this size on a map of the United States... and you will see my point; Get a big map or you will not see or be able to accurately draw the very small square dot.

Of course we cannot live in this small of area, but it gives a relation of what little room man consumes of his person in this country and how briefly he consumes it for before others take his place.

Most maps that "falsely" try to show "over population" place dots as a visual aspect for every person equally separated; A false illustration in which each one of the dots presented, are in a size that would encompass the entire United States population under it, thereby giving a grossly incorrect perspective.

It is also a fact, that the entire interior of the United States is almost devoid of human life except on the highways crossing (and this is the same for Russia and China). Walk from Oregon to Chicago away from the highway and you will realize this.

So population is the least of our problems. Nor will it be for some time to come.


Over Population Myth Used to Control People


Population is always used as an excuse by governments to make laws to control and regulate people for their own gain and goals and increase bureaucracy.

This myth is sold to others by filling photographs with a crowded street of people - ignoring the fact that 10 feet to the right there is few or no one.

It is just one of the many marketing tools of propaganda for the
advancement of socialism, to make people falsely believe they need to be dependent upon bureaucracies and government;

Clearly presented by Patrick Henery below stating
"We are told, we are afraid to trust ourselves;"

Zoning laws for people being one control;  Zoning controls people, not growth; Growth will occur regardless.

Zoning restricts people in free enterprise, while government bureaucracies grow untethered. Restrictions in free enterprise only encourage growth in
bureaucracies and collectives by those enable or unwilling to compete under the many various regulations on independent businesses and further dependency in government.

MONDAY, June 16, 1788.[1] [Elliot misprinted this as Monday, June 14, 1788.]

Patrick Henery:
"We are told, we are afraid to trust ourselves;

that our own representatives Congress will not exercise their powers oppressively; that we shall not enslave ourselves; that the militia cannot enslave themselves

Who has enslaved France, Spain, Germany, Turkey, and other countries which groan under tyranny?

They have been enslaved by the hands of their own people.

If it will be so in America, it will be only as it has been "every where else".


Solutions in Mexico

Solving the problem of the Mexican Government, who are ignoring the needs of their people, in a way so that the Mexican citizens will want to stay home, would be the first major step.

There is no reason to have a third world country or abusive dictators on our border, for trade benefits or any other reason. Close proximity of slavery is counter productive to strengthening true freedom in the world.

Allowing others to be subjugated by others for the purpose of our profits relates to slavery, not freedom.

Presently, the Mexican national government is not doing it's job, this is obvious of the condition of it's northern states which are being neglected and not being properly represented;


Mexico's Distant Legislatures

The reason for Mexico's poor representation, as is what is also occurring with our federal government, is that Distant Legislatures (Which See) that create a condition where there is no "fellow feeling" for their citizens, as our Founders presented it, to those communities that are distant from their national government legislatures:

Constitutional Debate: MONDAY, June 16, 1788.[1] [Elliot misprinted this as Monday, June 14, 1788.]

George Mason:
".... But under this national, or rather consolidated government, the case will be different. The representation being so small and inadequate, they "will" have "no" "fellow-feeling" for the people. They may discriminate people in their own predicament, and exempt from duty all the officers and lowest creatures of the national government."

Rights of the Colonists 1772:

Samuel Adams: "...Had the Colonists a right to return members to the British parliament, it would only be hurtfull; as from their local situation and circumstances it is "impossible" they should be ever truly and properly represented there. The inhabitants of this country in all probability in a few years will be more numerous, than those of Great Britain and Ireland together; yet it is absurdly expected [Volume 5, Page 397] by the promoters of the present measures, that these, with their posterity to all generations, should be easy while their property, shall be disposed of by a house of commons at "three thousand miles"
"distant" from them;

who cannot be supposed to have the least care or concern for their real interest:

Who have not only "no" natural care for their interest
, "but must be in effect >>> "bribed"<<< against it"; as every "burden" they lay on the colonists is so much saved or gained to themselves. ..."

A pretty close comparative relation to Mexico's government;

... and in growing issues even with our own federal government in regard with its policies to our own states and local communities.


Policy with Mexico

A policy that will assist in diplomacy to help provide checks and balances to the abuse of powers of the Mexican national government to the citizens within their country; and to protect, above all, individual rights, needs to be our goal.

If the Mexican government continues to abuse their own people so that their people continue to flood into our country;

Then our policy should be to:

1.) Work harder with the Mexican Government to achieve providing greater freedoms for individuals to own land and and possess more personal real property, rights, and freedoms, so to provide an incentive in their citizens to develop business in their northern states, and if this does not occur,

2.) Work to convince the Mexican government to place more powers in their states to do so, if this does not occur,

3.) Place trade sanctions, if this does not work,

4.) Continue trade sanctions and

5.) Work to help empower the Mexican people starting at the boarder states to empower Mexico's states into free and independent self governing states, independent of Mexico's capitol, complete with their own Constitutions, Bills of Rights, Legislatures and Judicial systems founded on our founders principles to provide a future for their impoverished people.

6.) If their government increases oppression, and if necessary and found to be the choice of the states and people of Mexico, give them full support to make that change.

This would mean limitations to their national legislative, by their people, with regard to inalienable rights to their citizens and independent states and communities

7.)  Granting full international recognition and protection of their free and independent states of Mexico; 

8.) Provide avenues and relations for developing free trade and increased business opportunities for Mexican citizens through development of modern trade highways to Panama and South America.

9.) Strengthen ties to Panama to protect a "much smaller border" at Panama.

10.) Result:   Increased trade for Mexico and the U.S., better living conditions over the border, less tensions and dependency on the U.S. side of the border, more security on the U.S. Mexican boarder, an open safe trade route for both countries to and into Central and South America.


Solutions in the United States

Solutions in the United States would mean pass laws:

1.) Strengthen and encourage growth of free trade inside the US by throwing out regulations such as harsh business restrictions and zoning that hinder independent (non union, non corporate) business.

2.) Change the tax system
(which see) to encourage private enterprise and freedoms.

3.) Remove laws for government health benefits to non-citizens of the United States; For which as earlier presented, must be obtained through private insurance companies by foreign citizens before entering this country.

4.) Remove laws which grant citizenship to children born in America by foreign citizens.


More Control - Less Futility

Though we believe control of the borders is important;

Swatting people away from the border of Mexico is like having a rescue ship at sea (the United States), push away survivors of a sinking ship, ...

instead of sending a repair boat over to the sinking vessel and repair the small leak (corrupt Mexican political policies).

If the captain of the sinking vessel refuses to accept help (because of the profits he is making in the process)

and continues to throw people overboard to swim to the over stressed rescue ship (for profit and returns),

...then it is the captain of the sinking ship needs to be dealt with.


Common Sense U.S. and States Regulations
Boarder Crossing

It is the position of the American Patriot Party that all immigrants seeking permanent citizenship and temporary migrant worker status:

1.) To be fluent in the English language,

2.) To pay for and pass a drivers test at the boarder to U.S. Standards, regardless if they plan to drive or not.

3.) Licenses however obtained , must indicate that they are of temporary migrant status and cannot be used except for indicating that they have passed a driving exam. It cannot be used to establish voting rights or other rights or benefits exclusively held by American citizens

4.) Pay for and possess medical insurance, including pregnancy insurance for women, as children born from non-citizens of the U.S. will not be considered citizens regardless of what side of the boarder they are born.

5.) Pay for and possess automobile operators insurance, not attached to any vehicle, whether they plan to drive or not.

6.) Pay a boarder crossing Use Tax to pay for servicing boarder patrol, deportation and incarceration of any Mexican hardened criminals. A tax paid by anyone who crosses the boarder either direction in an amount that will adequately cover such expenses without supplement by U.S. Citizens; Except when U.S. Citizens cross the boarder to and from Mexico for which the Use Tax will also apply.

7.) To have one year of study of the founders letters and understanding of the Declaration of Independence that defines certain inalienable rights, further the Bill of Rights that restricts any government from invading such rights;

Where some people may scoff at this last requirement, consider the effects of allowing thousands of  "English illiterate" people into our country, who are without any comprehension of what true freedom really means;

fearful, passive, dependent, easily subjugated people, who are used to being subjugated by their own government, received and cared for by U.S. government  programs filled with job dependent bureaucrats who feed on other dependent individuals for their existence, and are more than willing to give away your money in these programs to increase their job security, pay, benefits, position advancement and resulting retirement benefits through growth of a even greater bureaucracy.

It is this type of condition and atmosphere, that creates the expansion and habitual degeneration found of progressive socialist societies, by increasing the percentage of "dependent people" upon government;

A dependent people defined and spoken of by James Madison as:

 the "debased subjects" of an "arbitrary power"

James Madison: " ... The governments of Europe are afraid to trust the people with arms. If they did, the people would surely shake off the yoke of tyranny, as America did.

Let us not insult the free and gallant citizens of America with the suspicion that they would be less able to defend the rights of which they would be in "actual possession"

than the "debased subjects" of arbitrary power would be to rescue theirs from the hands of their oppressors."


English as the National Language.

The American Patriot Party is for establishing the English Language as the National Language.

Not pursuing the English language as the uniform national language throughout the United States, is to this party foolish.

It is in the inability for people to understand each other encourages prejudice,  suspicion and a unneeded communication gap to the workings of a free country.

Those who are opposed to this requirement, have the intelligence of a zoo keeper who throws wolves, bears, tigers, sheep, ducks and chickens in the same cage and expect them to just get along together.

Non-uniformity in something so basic as that found in simple communication through a common language, is the greatest measure of stupidity that any country can fall prey to.

Constitutional Convention - MONDAY, June 16, 1788. [1] [Elliot misprinted this as Monday, June 14, 1788.]

Mr. Corbin:
"......Animadverting on Mr. Henry's observations, that the French had been the instruments of their own slavery, that the Germans had enslaved the Germans, and the Spaniards the Spaniards,  he asked if those nations knew any thing of

>>> The "want" of "this knowledge" was the "principal" cause of their bondage."<<<

Patrick Henery:
"...At the revolution, it must be admitted that it was their sense to set down those great rights which ought, in all countries, to be held inviolable and sacred. Virginia did so, we all remember. She made a compact to reserve, expressly, certain rights.

 When fortified with full, adequate, and abundant "representation", was she satisfied with that representation?


She most cautiously and guardedly reserved and secured those invaluable, inestimable rights and privileges, which no people, inspired with the least glow of patriotic liberty, ever did, "or ever can", abandon." "When our government was first instituted in Virginia, we declared the "common law" of England to be "in force"."

Representation (for proper - not simply adequate representation see Distant Legislatures) and Inalienable Rights.

Mexican's starve for this knowledge, and our citizens are being blinded to it by not even teaching it in our schools.

(See also
Foundations of Inalienable Rights.)



Border problems, in regard to jobs, taxes and health care issues, and boarder control are caused by:

1.) Failure of our governments to curb effects a unconcerned and corrupt Mexican government;

2.) Failure of our states not having the will to create or remove laws which would control misuse of federal and state distribution of funds such as removing health benefits to foreigners paid by U.S. citizens that foreigners should pay; Removing the laws that create a draw to our country simply for free medical benefits, etc.

3.) Failure to remove restrictions, regulations and zoning on independent free enterprise inside the U.S. to allow free enterprise to grow;

4.) Failure to apply a "Use Tax" on the boarder adequate to pay for the cost of maintaining control of the boarder.

Not people or liberty.

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Zoning and other Regulations that obstruct truly free enterprise but for those who can purchase or manipulate them are a bane to true liberty and aboveall other factors in this country create unemployment.

Zoning does not control growth, Zoning and regulations control people; and forces free enterprise into the open arms of a government bureaucracy where growth is untethered; Increasing social bureaucratic dependency and increasing the burden on free enterprise and a free people.

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Thomas Jefferson:

"Rightful liberty is unobstructed action according to our will within limits drawn around us by the equal rights of others.

I do not add 'within the limits of the law', because law is often but the tyrant's will, and always so when it violates the rights of the individual. ~~"
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