American Patriot Party, Political Party Comparison Chart, Compare Elect AmericanUnitedStatesPatriot.jpg
Political Party Comparison, American Patriot Party, Libertarian Party,US
Political Party Comparison, American Patriot Party, Libertarian Party,US American Elections Office.jpg
Political Party Comparison, American Patriot Party, Libertarian Party,US
Star Side Strip2.jpg
American Patriot Party, American Patriots Party, Politics of Left Right
American Patriot Party, American Patriots Party, Politics of Left Right
American Patriot Party, American Patriots Party, Politics of Left Right
American Patriot Party, American Patriots Party, Politics of Left Right
American Patriot Party, American Patriots Party, Politics of Left Right
American Patriot Party, American Patriots Party, Politics of Left Right
American Patriot Party, American Patriots Party, Politics of Left Right
American Patriot Party, American Patriots Party, Politics of Left Right
American Patriot Party, American Patriots Party, Politics of Left Right
American Patriot Party, American Patriots Party, Politics of Left Right
American Patriot Party, American Patriots Party, Politics of Left Right
American Patriot Party, American Patriots Party, Politics of Left Right
American Patriot Party, American Patriots Party, Politics of Left Right
American Patriot Party, American Patriots Party, Politics of Left Right
American Patriot Party, American Patriots Party, Politics of Left Right
American Patriot Party, American Patriots Party, Politics of Left Right
American Patriot Party, American Patriots Party, Politics of Left Right
American Patriot Party, American Patriots Party, Politics of Left Right
Political Party Comparison, Republican Party, Democratic Party, Liberty

Political Party Comparison, American Patriot Party, Libertarian Party,US

Political Party Comparison, Republican Party, Democratic Party, Liberty

Political Party Comparison, American Patriot Party, Libertarian Party,US

Political Party Comparison, Republican Party, Democratic Party, Liberty

Political Party Comparison, American Patriot Party, Libertarian Party,US

Political Party Comparison, Republican Party, Democratic Party, Liberty

Political Party Comparison, American Patriot Party, Libertarian Party,US

Political Party Comparison, Republican Party, Democratic Party, Liberty


Site Index:

National American Patriot Party and Oregon Patriot Party Home

What  Makes us Different

True American Patriotism

Freedom, Public Opinion
Consent and the Law Against Condemnation of Any Man's Property.

Socialism as Defined by the American Patriot Party


Voluntary Slavery

Existence of Slavery

Distant Legislatures

American Patriot Party Platform and Goals

American Patriot Party and Oregon Party  Stands on Issues

Curbing Enterprises of Ambition and Establishing Barriers against Socialist Collectives.

Foundations of Inalienable Rights

American Patriot Party:
News Letters

What People are Saying about the American Patriot Party

Stand Against National ID - either for Man, Animal or other property

Patriots Papers Index:
Magna Carta 1215
Locke Church, State & Man 1689
Locke Civil Government 1689
Rights of the Colonists 1772
Witherspoon Confederation 1774
Massachusetts Declaration
Virginia Declaration of Rights
Witherspoon Providence 1776
Declaration of Independence 1776
Articles of Confederation 1777
Founders Letters of Intent
Conventions and Debates
U.S. Constitution
Bill of Rights
Virginia & Kentucky Resolutions 1798

Great Resources for Founders Documents

University of Chicago, Founders Constitution under s/indexes/indexes.html


American Patriots  Candidates Election Organization and Committee Page

Oregon State Elections



































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































The American Patriot Party


Comparison to
Other Political Parties

Part One of a Three Part Segment
See also American Patriot Party Regarding
International Definition of Political Left and Political Right

and The Progression of Socialism

The first rule is understanding that the
"State" of Nature respecting the "Law" of Nature to guide it, represents the Far Right,

Constitutional Compacts to enforce the Law of Nature in the creation of free societies are the RIGHT in society and politics - Freedom and Property are protected under these basic laws and foundations;
This derives from the common law that establishes the the purpose of government is the protection of private property -
Read John Locke on Civil Government and the Absolute Rights of the Colonists that present this fact.

To the
Left are Various forms of Socialism  and collectives which include Fascism and Communism;
These forms naturally establish or degenerate through arbitrary power against the properties and liberties of the people.
All these forms that attack private property and require huge socialistic bureaucracies to operate, are correctly termed as
LEFT in society and politics.

To the
Far Left when these break down through ABUSES to the Law of Nature, is the temporary condition of  Anarchy which is the State of Nature without respect for the Law of Nature,
referring to lawlessness of any kind and
without compacts to enforce the Law of Nature;

Anarchy is a condition that will exist until either people respect the Laws of Nature; The protections reemerge to recognize and enforce again the Laws of Nature through Constitution"s";
Or else the people allow themselves to again be enslaved under Governments of
arbitrary power.

Also Understand that Corporations, Unions, Tax supported Special interests and undelegated federal and state bureaucracies are ALL COLLECTIVES and are ALL state born
"Exclusive Privileges" which should not even exist in a free country; We have been warned by the Founders to guard against their existence; they are from undelegated, arrogated powers.  Collective Title in property equals Socialism;  True "Single" IndividualTitle in property equals Freedom.  (Not "fictitious individual" suchas what Corporations are defined presently in Law)

DO NOT CONFUSE "Exclusive Privileged" "trade"
with "free trade". See
Contracts and Privileges.

FASCISM IS LEFT.  >>> WARNING: We have heard speakers at TEA PARTY RALLIES ATTEMPTING to place Fascism as being to the FAR RIGHT; THIS IS INCORRECT. This is a "Centrist and Leftist" "Ploy" to make you think we need to move to the center i.e. toward the left; This is meant to confuse; Do not buy into it. Socialism and Communism and Fascism are ALL LEFT; ALL THREE require huge socialistic bureaucracies to operate, all three attack private property and therefore are ALL THREE, FORMS of SOCIALISM and ALL are "LEFT".

Read John Locke on Civil Government#201: " ...It is a mistake to think this fault is proper only to monarchies.Other forms of government are liable to it as well as that; for whereverthe power that is put in any hands for the government of the people and thepreservation of their properties is applied to other ends, and made use ofto impoverish, harass, or subdue them to the arbitrary and irregular commandsof those that have it, there it presently becomes tyranny, whether those that thus use it are "one or many". Thuswe read of the thirty tyrants at Athens, as well as one at Syracuse; andthe intolerable dominion of the Decemviri at Rome was nothing better."

The below graphs illustrate the correct definition and placement of Left and Right on a national scale with regard to political parties and general issues that define left and right.
Note that when we present "GENERAL PHRASE" Constitution, this describes what
James Madison defined in the "Virginia Resolutions" as Using the "GENERAL PHRASES" of the Constitution to grant the federal government powers NO WHERE INTENDED in the Constitution.
TheConstitution being a VERY LIMITED grant of power, it's powers were expresslydefined to follow the exact meanings set down in the Ratifying Conventions,and neither the federal government, federal supreme court,  federallegislative, Federal Executive,
States Legislative
NOR any means whatsoever could arrogate ANY more powers upon it. 

The Ratifying and Amendment Process was limited to changes "WITHIN" the DELEGATED POWERS GRANTED; It CAN NOT ARROGATE "ANY" NEW POWER without VIOLATING the Constitution.
An example is that
The Income Tax is still Unconstitutional because it ARROGATES a NEW POWER of "UNENUMERATED" TAXATION when the Constitution expressly limits the federal government to "ENUMERATED" TAXATION.
  To understand this FACT, Read the Virginia Ratifying Convention 6-16-1788 (this link).  ......"...NOT BY ONE STEP".


Political Parties



The State of Nature,

Without the Law of Nature

"No Government Libertarians"

A misnomer as it takes "law" to enforce "no law" and to enforce protection of "individual rights";

This group in the libertarian movement attempts to use National Law to enforce their will to do what they please against the will of local societies, private business and freedom of association or freedom of choice "NOT to associate".

Their oppinions contradict because they will use governments to impose their own definition of freedom.

Fascism, Monarchy, Dictatorship, Socialism, "Total" Democracies and Communism are all examples of FAR LEFT

Private Property is not secure and subject to other's will.

Green Party &
Progressive Party;

Both align with those that attempt to place international law in place of national, state and local laws;

This alienates State & Local powers and dissolves governments; Attacks and voids private property.

Nationalist Democrats

Promotes democracy mostly from thenational level  and subjects the states to international treaties therebyremoving state and local community powers.

This aligns them with Socialism

Imposes federal powers no where granted to the federal government to enforce through general phrases in constitution.

Moderate Democrats

Mostly innocent uneducated voters that are driven by emotion or jobs.

Theyare easily manipulated because they have never been educated in the trueintents of the founders that created the Constitution;

Being in thehard work class, are too weary or poor to lift their head from the trough,Never schooled or lack the interest to learn, they are
easily swayed by Nationalist Propaganda, Media & "Exclusive Privileged" entities. (see)


A misnomer
as it describes a left leaningagenda of moderation between two left positioned moderate parties votinghabits based upon ignorance.


Moderate Republicans       

Mostly innocent uneducated voters that are driven by emotion or jobs.

Theyare easily manipulated because they have never been educated in the trueintents of the founders that created the Constitution;

Being in thehard work class, are too weary or poor to lift their head from the trough,Never schooled or lack the interest to learn, they are
easily swayed by Nationalist Propaganda, Media  & "Exclusive Privileged" entities. (see)

General Phrase Constitution Libertarians

Though promotingindividual freedoms, they attempt to use National Law regarding these rightsto enforce their will to do what they please against the will of local societies, private business and freedom of association.

TheyContradict themselves because they do not understand that freedom under governmentis to have a common law to live by and that it is not anything one LISTS.

See John Locke

A group easily swayed by Socialist Propaganda and Humanists.

General Phrase Constitution Republicans

Promotes some states rights but Grants federal powers no where granted to the federal government to enforce and subjugate states through general phrases in constitution.

A group easily swayed by Nationalist Federal Propaganda & "Exclusive Privileged" entities. (see)

Constitution Party

Though promoting states rights, CP promotes federal powers no where granted to the federal government to enforce crimes which were reserved to the states and the people to enforce;

Goodintentions are wasted on arrogating federal powers when strengthing stateand community societal powers should be their target so societies can makethe changes locally.


The Tea Party is made up of people that range between
"General Phrase"  Constitution al Libertarians to the left and those of the American Patriot Party at far right;

Depending on their education on the Constitution and Ratifying Conventions that define the Constitution

They are heavily courted by the "General Phrase" Constitution Republican Party which caters to Corporations



Shades of Socialism to <---Left

Left - Right Boundry

Freedom to --->Right

John Birch Society

American Patriot Party

Respects the Original Compacts and Intents.

Respects the Common Law Principles.

Respects Limited Delegated Powers.

Promotes Small Well Represented, Strong, and Independent State Republics with Common Law Foundations

Promotes Individual Rights
founded on Common Law Principles.

Limits the federal Government within it's ORIGINAL DELEGATE D POWERS.


State of Nature

Respecting the Law of Nature

References to Civil and Common Law Principles


John Locke establishes that where there is no law, there can be no freedom, as who can be free when you are at the mercy of another man's humour.


Virginia & Kentucky Resolutions 1798 on "General Phrases" & prosecuting crimes; Virginia Ratifying Convention 6-16-1788 on "stepping
outside the delegated powers"


Virginia & Kentucky Resolutions 1798 on "General Phrases" & prosecuting crimes; Virginia Ratifying Convention 6-16-1788 on "stepping
outside the delegated powers"

Virginia & Kentucky Resolutions 1798 on "General Phrases" & prosecuting crimes; Virginia Ratifying Convention 6-16-1788 on "stepping
outside the delegated powers"

Virginia & Kentucky Resolutions 1798 on "General Phrases" & prosecuting crimes; Virginia Ratifying Convention 6-16-1788 on "stepping
outside the delegated powers"


APP Statement


See John Locke on Liberty and Freedom; Freedom is NOT anything that we LIST.


There is nothing new to "green" or "progressive" in practicing socialismor placing people under the subjugation of another government.

There is little difference between this group and the next three exceptthat they actually know the difference and ignore the consequences.

The next three are virtually the same and fall into the warning given by Patrick Henry and Mr. Corbin of people "Enslaving themselves". .....

...because of their "lack of knowledge" regarding representative governments.

To this can be added their lack of knowledge of the necessity...

...of Original Compacts and Small territorial Republics; as well as Limited Compacts and Limited Delegated Powers; and the dangers of nationalism

An extension of the three at left are these next four exemplifying thedanger of only reading part of a book then creating laws without understanding.. 

the definitions of the words which were set down in the preceding bookthey never picked up to read; The Ratifying Conventions define the...

"General Phrases" in the Constitution which are many. If they understood the supremacy clause was limited mostly to Washington

...DC, their perception would be different or else they would land immediately in the National Democrat column


Constitutional Law




NG Libertarian



N Democrats

M Democrats


M Republicans

GP Libertarian

GP Republican


Tea Party


John Birch S

Amer Patriot P

 --------------------  -----------------  --------------------  ------------------  -------------------  --------------------  ------------------  ------------------  --------------------  ------------------  --------------------  -----------------  -------------------  -------------------  ------------------  ------------------  ------------------  -----------------  -------------------  -------------------

NO Exclusive Privileges: Corporations, Unions, Tax supported Special Interests,Undelegated State and federally mandated Bureaucracies



Yet will use mandated bureaucracies to impose their will to do what they please against property owners who do not wish it.



State of Nature

Respecting the Law of Nature

Limited Local Environmental Laws


as it takes government


No Zoning







Private, Local & State Militias Limited Army




Strong States and Citizens


Smaller States









Community Rights




States Rights






Absolute Property Rights - No Property condemnation - No Imminent Domain



It takes government to protect property




Anonymity Tax


Anonymity Tax


Enumerated, Consensual State collected Federal Import Taxes





Only Original Delegated Federal Powers




No State born Exclusive Privileges - i.e. Corporations, Unions, Tax supportedspecial interests or undelegated State or federal Bureaucracies.



It takes Free Society to prohibit formation of exclusive privileges and limit government

 ------------------  -------------------              



Left - Right Boundry

Rest of Graph Continued Below



State of Nature

Respecting the Law of Nature














 -------------------  ------------------  ------------------  ------------------





HERE is the DIVISION POINT of RIGHT and LEFT with regard to ISSUES (Graph continues below);  Aboveis the indication parties have toward freedom as defined, security in privateproperty and free governments that protect private property;
Below is nationalism, socialism and designs against private property. 

Whenyou read the Ratifying Conventions that define the words written in the Constitution,you will find they are correct; Often Political Parties offer platform statementsto exclude what should be discussed, so to misinform those they wish to attract;
However it becomes quite clear when the
Important Constitutional issues are compared to most parties activities due to their corruption with allowing Exclusive Privileges and Arrogated Federal Powers to exist.

NOTE: The allowance of "State Born Exclusive Privileges" is the beginning of all corruption in government;  Setting laws that prohibit "Exclusive Privileges" completely, establishes a true free government, true free trade and true freedom of contract.

Note that the "Freedom of Contract" does NOT apply to "Exclusive Privileges"
See or 2009 Newsletter: "Privileges and Contracts"  for more on this subject (link).
Allowing "Exclusive Privileges" to "exist" and wondering why freedom isn't working; is the same as Allowing a hole in the Titanic and then wondering why it no longer floats;
Neither belongs, as the correct operation of both rely on the fact that "Exclusive Privileges" and "the hole" do not exist.   Also note: Collective Title in property equals Socialism;  True "Single"Individual Title in property equals Freedom.  (not fictional individualsuch as Corporations)















 ------------------- ------------------ ------------------ ------------------




Exclusive Privileges - i.e. Corporations, Unions, Tax supported specialinterests or undelegated State or federal Bureaucracies.



Uses government to force others in society to accept bad behavior

 ------------------  --------------------  ---------------------  ------------------  -------------------  ---------------------  --------------------  --------------------  -------------------


 -----------------  ------------------

--Left-Right--- Boundry

Rest of Graph Continued Above

------------------  -----------------   -------------------


State of Nature

Respecting the Law of Nature

Undeligated Arrogated Federal Powers


Unenumerated, Unconsensual Income Taxes


Pacifists often rely on governments





Unenumerated, Unconsensual Sales Tax


Pacifists often rely on governments




Flat/Tax are


Property Condemnation








Limited State Rights - States Assimilated into a National Government




Limited Rights for Community




Consolidation of States into "One Nation" i.e.
"One Sovereignty"




Weak States and Citizens






Standing National Army




Advocates Zoning


National Environmental

















Tax Supported Special Interest Groups




Federally Mandated State and Local Community Bureaucracies






The State of Nature,

Without the Law of Nature

"No Government Libertarians"

A misnomer as it takes "law" to enforce "no law" and to enforce protection of "individual rights";

Thisgroup in the libertarian movement attempts to use National Law to enforcetheir will to do what they please against the will of local societies, privatebusiness and freedom of association or freedom of choice "NOT to associate".

 Fascism, Monarchy, Dictatorship, Socialism, Total Democracies Communism are all examples of FAR LEFT

Private Property is not secure and subject to other's will.

Green Party &
Progressive Party;

Both align with those that attempt to place international law in place of national, state and local laws;

This alienates State & Local powers and dissolves governments; Attacks and voids private property.

Nationalist Democrats

Promotes democracy mostly from thenational level  and subjects the states to international treaties therebyremoving state and local community powers.

This aligns them with Socialism

Imposes federal powers no where granted to the federal government to enforce through general phrases in constitution.

Moderate Democrats

Mostly innocent uneducated voters that are driven by emotion or jobs.

Theyare easily manipulated because they have never been educated in the trueintents of the founders that created the Constitution;

Being in thehard work class, are too weary or poor to lift their head from the trough,Never schooled or lack the interest to learn, they are
easily swayed by Nationalist Propaganda & "Exclusive Privileged" entities. (see)


A misnomer
as it describes a left leaningagenda of moderation between two left positioned moderate parties votinghabits based upon ignorance.

Moderate Republicans       

Mostly innocent uneducated voters that are driven by emotion or jobs.

Theyare easily manipulated because they have never been educated in the trueintents of the founders that created the Constitution;

Being in thehard work class, are too weary or poor to lift their head from the trough,Never schooled or lack the interest to learn, they are
easily swayed by Nationalist Propaganda & "Exclusive Privileged" entities. (see)

General Phrase Constitution Libertarians

Though promotingindividual freedoms, they attempt to use National Law regarding these rightsto enforce their will to do what they please against the will of local societies,private business and freedom of association.

A group easily swayed by Socialist Propaganda

General Phrase Constitution Republicans

Promotes some states rights but Grants federal powers no where granted to the federal government to enforce and subjugate states through general phrases in constitution.

A group easily swayed by Nationalist Federal Propaganda & "Exclusive Privileged" entities. (see)

Constitution Party

Though promoting states rights, CP promotes federal powers no where granted to the federal government to enforce crimes which were reserved to the states and the people to enforce;

Goodintentions are wasted on arrogating federal powers when state and communitysocietal powers should be their target so societies can make the changes.


The Tea Party is made up of people that range between
"General Phrase"  Constitution al Libertarians to the left and those of the American Patriot Party at far right;

Depending on their education on the Constitution and Ratifying Conventions that define the Constitution

They are heavily courted by the "General Phrase" Constitution Republican Party which caters to Corporations


Left - Right Boundry


John Birch Society

American Patriot Party


State of Nature

Respecting the Law of Nature

Compare Political Parties, Political Party Comparison. American PatriotParty National, Republican Party National, Democratic Party National, LibertarianParty National, National Parties.