Oregon State Elections Division for the Oregon Candidate Vote Division Oregon State Elections Division of the American Patriot Party, Patriots Oregon State Elections Division of the American Patriot Party, Patriots Oregon State Elections Division of the American Patriot Party, Patriots Oregon State Elections Division of the American Patriot Party, Patriots Oregon State Elections Division of the American Patriot Party, Patriots Oregon State Elections Division of the American Patriot Party, Patriots Oregon State Elections Division of the American Patriot Party, Patriots Oregon State Elections Division of the American Patriot Party, Patriots Oregon State Elections Division of the American Patriot Party, Patriots Oregon State Elections Division of the American Patriot Party, Patriots Oregon State Elections Division of the American Patriot Party, Patriots Oregon State Elections Division of the American Patriot Party, Patriots
Oregon State Elections Division for the Oregon Candidate Vote Division
Oregon State Elections Division for the Oregon Candidate Vote Division

September 27, 1722 - October 2, 1803 Birthplace: Boston, Massachusetts Education: Master of Arts, Harvard. (Politician) 1765 Tax-collector; Elected to Massachusetts Assembly; 1774 Massachusetts Delegate to the First Continental Congress; 1776 Signed Declaration of Independence; 1781 Member of Massachusetts State constitutional convention; 1789 Appointed Lieutenant Governor of Massachusetts; 1794-'97 Elected Governor of Massachusetts.


Patrick Henry: May 29, 1736 - June 6, 1799. Birthplace: Hanover County, Virginia.  Education: (Lawyer, Politician). 1765 Elected to Virginia House of Burgesses; 1769 Admitted to the Bar of the General Court in Virginia; 1774 Elected to the Continental Congress; 1775 Virginia Militia Leader; 1776-1778, 1784 Governor of Virginia.


George Mason: December 11, 1725 - October 7, 1792. Birthplace: Fairfax County, Virginia. Education: Self - Family Library. 1776 Wrote the Virginia Declaration of Rights. 1786 Representative of Virginia as a delegate in Philadelphia to revise the Articles of Confederation. 1788 Delegate in the Constitutional Convention  - considered the "Father of the Bill of Rights" from his adamant insistence of their inclusion. 1791 Bill of Rights ratified, based primarily on George Mason's Virginia Declaration of Rights.


March 16, 1751- June 28, 1836 Birthplace: Port Conway, Virginia. Education, 1769-1771 College of New Jersey (later to become Princeton University). 1771-1772 Extended study (theology) with College President, John Witherspoon. 1776-79 Virginia state legislature. 1780-83 delegate to the Continental Congress.1787 One of 3 authors to the Federalist Papers. (Later opposed federalists). 1787 Delegate, Constitutional Convention in Philadelphia. 1809­1817 Fourth President of the United States.



Edmund Pendleton September 9, 1721 - October 23, 1803. Birthplace: Caroline County, Virginia. Education: Informal. 1741 Practiced Law (Lawyer), Licensed; 1745 General court; 1751 Appointed Justice of Caroline County; 1752-1776 Member of the Virginia House of Burgesses; 1774-75 Represented Virginia at the Continental Congress; 1775 President of the Virginia Committee of Safety; 1775-76 President of Virginia Conventions; 1776 first Speaker of the Virginia House of Delegates, appointed reviser of the statute laws of Virginia; 1777 First Judge of the High Court of Chancery; 1778-1803 President of the Virginia Supreme Court of Appeals; 1788 President of the Virginia Ratification Convention; 1788 Mr. Pendleton refused an appointment to the Federal judiciary.



John Marshall,  September 24, 1755 - June 6, 1835; Birthplace: Germantown (now Midland) in what became Fauquier County, Virginia. Served first as lieutenant,  then in 1778 as captain in the Continental Army in the Revolutionary War. 1777-1778 spent the winter of  with the troops in Valley Forge. 1781 Resigned his military commission and studied law practicing in Fauquier County and later in Richmond. From this time, he maintained leadership of the bar of Virginia. 1782-91 and 1795-1797 member of the Virginia assembly . 1788 Leading part in the Virginia convention called to act on the proposed Constitution of the United States. 1795 offered the attorney-generalship and the position of the Minister to France in 1796; Declining both offers made by Washington . 1797-98 France as one of the three commissioners appointed by John Adams to adjust the differences between the young republic and the directory. 1799 Patrick Henry aided Marshall's election as a Federalist to the House of Representatives. 1800 - 1801 Secretary of State under Adams. January 31, 1801 appointed Chief Justice of the Supreme Court. While Secretary he presided as Chief Justice...........



John Adams: October 30, 1735 - July 4, 1826. Birthplace: Braintree, MA. Education: (at age 16) 1751-1755 Harvard College. 1756-1759 Taught school at Worchester. 1765 Opponent of the Stamp Act. 1765 Wrote the "Braintree Instructions". 1768 Wrote "True Sentiments of America". 1774 and from 1775 to 1778 First and second Continental Congress. 1776 wrote "Thoughts on Government". 2nd President President of the United States March 4, 1797 ­ March 4, 1801.


Thomas Jefferson: 13 April 1743 - July 4, 1826. Birthplace: Shadwell, then Edge Hill, Virginia. Education: From James Maury 1758 to 1760 in Fredericksville Parish; 1760-1762 William and Mary College (Lawyer); 1767 Virginia bar; 1769 Virginia House of Burgesses; 1775-76 Delegate Continental Congress; 1776-79 Virginia House of Delegates; 1779, 1780 Governor of Virginia; 1782 England to treat for peace Gr. Britain; 1784 Associate Envoy to France; 1785 Minister to the French Court; 1789 Secretary of State; 1793 Established Democratic-Republican party; 1796 Vice President of the United States; Third President of the United States, 1801;


Oregon State Elections Division for the Oregon Candidate Vote Division
Oregon State Elections Division for the Oregon Candidate Vote Division
Oregon State Elections Division for the Oregon Candidate Vote Division
Oregon State Elections Division for the Oregon Candidate Vote Division
Oregon State Elections Division for the Oregon Candidate Vote Division
Oregon State Elections Division for the Oregon Candidate Vote Division
Oregon State Elections Division for the Oregon Candidate Vote Division
Oregon State Elections Division for the Oregon Candidate Vote Division
Oregon State Elections Division for the Oregon Candidate Vote Division
Oregon State Elections Division for the Oregon Candidate Vote Division
Oregon State Elections Division for the Oregon Candidate Vote Division
Oregon State Elections Division for the Oregon Candidate Vote Division
Oregon State Elections Division for the Oregon Candidate Vote Division
Oregon State Elections Division for the Oregon Candidate Vote Division
Oregon State Elections Division for the Oregon Candidate Vote Division
Oregon State Elections Division for the Oregon Candidate Vote Division
Oregon State Elections Division for the Oregon Candidate Vote Division
Oregon State Elections Division for the Oregon Candidate Vote Division
Oregon State Elections Division for the Oregon Candidate Vote Division
Oregon State Elections Division for the Oregon Candidate Vote Division

Oregon State Elections Division for the Oregon Candidate Vote Division

State of Oregon Elections Division Oregon Candidate Vote Division APP

Oregon State Elections Division for the Oregon Candidate Vote Division

State of Oregon Elections Division Oregon Candidate Vote Division APP

Oregon State Elections Division for the Oregon Candidate Vote Division

State of Oregon Elections Division Oregon Candidate Vote Division APP

Oregon State Elections Division for the Oregon Candidate Vote Division

State of Oregon Elections Division Oregon Candidate Vote Division APP

Oregon State Elections Division for the Oregon Candidate Vote Division 

The American Patriot Party State of Oregon Elections Division.


The American Patriot Party promotes candidates that believe in the original intent for a free country as outlined by the originating founders of these free and independent states and these United States.

2008 Ron Paul Endorsement

Full Party Statement on the 2008 Elections.
























































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































copyright American Patriot Party of Oregon,  Oregon State Elections Division of the American Patriot Party.



American Patriot Party
State of Oregon Elections Division Oregon Candidate Vote Division APP
Candidate Endorsement Agreement

With the exception of President and Vice President, all individuals seeking endorsement by the American Patriot Party  must be active in party development within their state; Individuals who are paid members but not active in party development may seek endorsement by agreeing to and signing this endorsement agreement;  Note that the American Patriot Party cannot financially support  candidates at this time and is purely an agreement to historic and party principles; State parties being independent, may wish to provide independent support. Any endorsement is simply based upon the adherence of the candidate to the principles set down by the party; Endorsement automatically becomes relinquished when it is found that the contents of this agreement, the platform, goals or principles of  the party are not the aim of the recipient, nor actively pursued in private or public activity or office.

       I _____________________________  pledge while campaigning and while in office agree to uphold the Platform, stand on issues, principles, goals set forth by the American Patriot Party and those ideals set down by the originating Founding Fathers of the Declaration of Independence of 1776.

To limit the federal government to its original delegated powers and to empower local and state communities and their legislatures to insure the federal government's compliance to those principles.

I further pledge to promote these stands and goals:

1.) Freeze on Federal Jobs: Systematic reduction of the Federal Government by placing a freeze on hiring for all nonessential federal agencies.

2.) Offer Early retirement to government employees and as nonessential offices close offer transfers to essential offices as openings become available for qualified applicants.

3.) Abolish all Zoning ordinance and bureaucracy and enact simple building laws which protect the right to build and protect only against obvious physical encroachments of another's property, (See proposal) This will Free up free enterprise and greatly reduce unemployment by expanding free enterprise.

4.) Transfer complete ownership and control of all federal lands to each of the respective states and in ownership and control of each of their counties.

5.) Abolishment of the Department of the Interior Bureau of Land Management (BLM).

6.) Enactment of the No Names No Numbers
Anonymity Tax System; An automated anonymous toll tax collected by states and local communities for the needs of the independent state or county dictated by the people;

         a.) Remove income tax, property tax, sales tax, death taxes, inheritance taxes, estate taxes and all other taxes not authorized by the Anonymity Tax system.

         b.) Removal of the IRS entirely; and create a one building receiving office erected in Washington DC with personnel possessing no powers, to facilitate simple receiving of import taxes established by the legislature,  that will be presented to it by the states who have collected it through the Anonymity Tax System from imports.

        c.) Work for the establishment of the
Anonymity Tax System in all states and counties, a system that will divide where and how federal state and local communities collect taxes; Removing the present costs and burdens of federal tax regulation and bureaucracies, the associated compliance costs, legal costs, investigation costs, court costs and incarceration costs.

        d.) Limit the federal government to receiving its funds through import taxes alone, collected by the states themselves at ports of call; 

        e.) "Other" taxes limited to county 1.) "Use Taxes" to be limited to a particular use/need  (such as gas tax for road when purchasing fuel) with no general pooling, salaries in the granted work force to be limited to no greater the average county citizen  salary; The tax being sun-setted and continuation re-determined by vote at each cycle; and 2.) "Voluntary Taxes" that are not poll determined, nor dictated by government; but completely voluntary and consensual,  And only granted by the citizen when he sends in his taxes if he wishes to give at that time.

         f.) Voiding and prohibiting all other types, ways and means of taxes.

7.) Abolishment of all other tax systems except use taxes and voluntary taxes such as lotteries which are to be controlled by vote. Grant amnesty to all tax debts whatsoever and remove completely all debts to the government by any person, group, entity or other from these tax systems.

8.) De-unionization of all government jobs and positions;

9.) Limiting all government income, federal, state and county, to no greater than the average salary of the county they in fact reside and serve, if different, based on the lesser, at all levels and controlled by the local county that they serve
See Samuel Adams - Rights of the Colonists:

In the state of nature men may as the Patriarchs did, employ hired servants for the defense of their lives, liberty and property: and they should pay them "reasonable" wages. Government was instituted for the purposes of common defense; and those who hold the reins of government have an equitable natural right to an honourable support from the same principle "that the labourer is worthy of his hire" but then the
"same community" >>>which they serve, ought to be assessors of their pay: Governors have "NO" right to >>>"seek what they please"; by this, instead of being content with the station assigned them, that of honourable servants of the society, they would soon become Absolute masters, Despots, and Tyrants. Hence as a private man has a right to say, what wages he will give in his private affairs, so has "a Community" to determine what they will give and grant of their Substance, for the Administration of publick affairs. And in both cases more are ready generally to offer their Service at the proposed and stipulated price, than are able and willing to perform their duty.--"

Unions in government subvert the community powers of assessment, as has the state and federal legislatures, in determining and establishing their own pay and raises.

10.) Education Reform, state and local county community control of standards and operation and support of private and public education.
11.) Maintain Social Security under
new tax system (Which See) wherein all moneys collected will be placed in a completely separate account and physical location in each state from all other tax moneys. No bill or separate government agency or any other entity or person(s) will be allowed access to any funds except for distribution to the intended recipient;

12.) Since the new tax system will collect moneys from state toll equally from the general public; and federal imports (collected by states) from imports and from foreign visitors, and not derived from income or other modes of taxation, any new money collected will be distributed equally to all US citizens at the age of 65. All previous quarters paid under the old system will be respected.

13.) Medicare will follow the same path as Social Security.

14.) Health and Life Insurance reform - as corporations "are" national health care. Corporations are not free enterprise; they are state privileged, state regulated internal bureaucracies; When large enough, they are government styled bureaucracies operating within a free country's and state's boarders. If corporations operate like a social bureaucracy (which they do), they are social bureaucracies. The only difference between a state government health care system where money is pooled and held in a controlled dispersal; and a Corporate health insurance plan pooled and held for controlled dispersal (note we are not for a "national" health care "system"), is that if you miss a payment with a corporate plan you loose all your coverage and, more than likely, all the money you have put into it;  Then refused further consideration for further policy by that company (assuring the corporation of that much profit which is now no longer at risk). The person is then passed to the next company for greater insurance costs in a highly profitable skimming system. There needs to be safeguards set on money invested in corporate insurance so that a portion is held from misuse or profit and either held in a trust account (not lost or absorbed by the corporation), transferred to the next insurance company or pooled by the state and or county for basic health care, to be held in trust to the person who invested the money - That is if "corporate" health care "insurance", considered a type of national health care in and of itself by this party, is to be allowed to continue; However, as in taxes where 50% is spent on regulation to collect the other 50% in direct taxation, regulation of a corporate bureaucracy requires a government bureaucracy oversight which is a double layer burden. The issue is unlimited corporate profit and controlled government salaries, in regard to what the money is supposed to be used for - and that is "actual health care", not bureaucratic salaries or exaggerated profit. Ideally, any money would be pooled, with minimal bureaucratic labor (of either kind) or profit before it reaches its patient destination; and drawn under strict guidelines (owing to patient privacy) into and distributed by the private medical care field with built in localized private non-corporate elected physician oversight (in fund distribution)  as needed by each patient. If  money spent toward health care now, bypassed, even in part, the bureaucratic labor and corporate insurance profit schemes, there would be more than enough for county and state basic health care for those in need. In 2004 - the latest year data available, total national health expenditures rose 7.9 percent -- over three times the rate of inflation (1). Total spending was $1.9 TRILLION in 2004, or $6,280 per person - if a portion of this amount was placed directly in interest bearing accounts on a ongoing basis, we believe that a financial foundation for health care can be realized very quickly; A combination of law to establish efficient procedure; and percentage in and of distribution of invested money toward health insurance, and private and localized field professional oversight and ethical standards are the goal. Non-medical bureaucratic middle men, private and government, are the problem; By-passing them under the present system, is part of the solution.

15.) Implement judicial, and legislative reform from local level, to supreme-court system.

16.) No public office positions shall be held that are not voted on by the people. State and Federal positions that are located by office in any county must be voted in by that county; If duties extend into other counties, by all effected counties, but not further than can be feasibly administered by that one individual subject to voter approval. No sweeping jurisdictions shall be granted any individual or to extend beyond any state.

17.) All powers of condemnation except during an actual time of war will have no power by any government agency, any entity or any person; This position and stand of this party is solidly founded and established in the
Rights of the Colonists:

"First, "The first fundamental positive law of all Commonwealths or States, is the establishing the legislative power; as the first fundamental natural/law also, which is to govern even the legislative power itself, is the preservation of the Society. "6

"Secondly, The Legislative has no right to absolute arbitrary power over the lives and fortunes of the people:..."

" Thirdly, The supreme power cannot Justly take from any man, any part of his property without his "consent", in person or by his Representative.--" ;

And if condemnation occurs in war which is the sole purpose of any condemnation during actions taken to protect private property - which the amendment and where just compensation is described - and where all other condemnation is prohibited by the right of the people to be secure in their person papers and effects, all properties shall be returned afterwards. Wherein public safety is at risk by condition only, (not by esthetics nor by simple public will) the act of quarantine to general public will be established until any problem is repaired; Only when eminent public hazard exists, will temporary condemnation be allowed to be enacted for those things built upon the land or in the land, but not the land itself, nor fines imposed.

18.) All non military government, non geological - weather recording and non emergency employees must use automobiles or other public modes of transportation. No public expenditured use of expensive helicopters or private or government aircraft will be allowed to be owned or operated by non military, non geological - weather recording or non emergency government agencies. Nor shall any government personnel of any non military, non geological - weather recording or non emergency government agencies be allowed to share use of such aircraft unless in a time of emergency. Nor shall any government or government personnel accept donations or assistance from private enterprise or personnel except in times of national or natural emergency.  Thereby reducing greatly unnecessary expenditures and private enterprise manipulation of our government and our government employees.

19.) Abolish federal EPA and retain each states controlled DEQ, thereby removing a double layered bureaucracy and unneeded tax burden..

20.) All lottery money to be ear marked for education and state emergency funds only. (This is for Actual life threatening Emergency - not "rainy day" or other government stockpiling of funds in an attempt to secure their jobs or salary)

21.) All state parks to be transferred into ownership of the counties with a no sale agreement on state park lands that had been established by the year 1985; County parks to be funded by Use Taxes alone, managed owned and controlled by counties.

22.) To reduce unemployment in this state to its citizens, all employment to Parks or other state and county government agencies located within any county, will first be offered to persons having resided in the county applied for a minimum of 2 years.

24.) Except military, the total number of years for any public service will be 4 years thereby excluding public service as a profession and placing it for what it is, public service. Skill from that service can then be used in the private industries and workplace or furthered education.

25.) No federal, state or county employment, contracted or otherwise, shall be offered to non citizens of the United States; No exceptions.

26.) Election reform. To allow for voting for the candidates of choice for public office(s), and not a candidate of limited choice, elections will allow two votes, one vote for the candidate you feel would best represent your position and a second choice vote for a second candidate so if your first choice candidate was unable to secure enough votes to compete in the election process, the second vote will be counted. This will relieve any fears of loosing a vote to a more popular candidate that is near to your stands on issues by voting for a candidate that most closely represents your stand on issues. This will also eliminate having to only have the choice of voting for "the lesser of two evils" as the saying goes.

27.) The United Nations being not an entity but simply a pact, the United Nations will be eliminated as a power in and of itself and simply a four walled room to discuss how independent states and countries will react independently on any given issue. All UN materials and equipment and personnel will be disbanded to the country of their origin and the UN emblem stricken from all use. All Countries and states will remain as independently responsible for their own actions.

28.) In protection of United States Sovereignty, No foreign country or citizen may own United States soil. All land now owned will be granted life time leases. Such leases, in time of war against countries who have citizens who possess such leases, may be subject to loss and public auction of such leases and all properties on United States soil for which moneys will go toward the war effort. Should such foreign citizens become United States citizens, the land shall be deemed owned by such person or persons. So long as there is any foreign member of any entity that has any lease in such lands, no ownership will be granted.

29.) No military from any other nation or UN or any other pact forces shall be allowed to establish bases or operate within the US or on US soil.

30.) All gas and automotive fuels to be established state "Use Taxes" and funds limited to be used for roads only or airfield maintenance when collected for aircraft.

31.) Unlimited access to and freedom to drill and mine on all private lands for gas, oil and other minerals by any individual with universal non-prohibitive and practical drilling, building and operating rules that will encourage all individuals in these activities.

Thereby removing the manipulation of the industries, special interests and the government to control or create bought protectionism for exclusive rights to drill such that has been attempted in the CARA Bill where Oil Industries pay governments and special interests to condemn land in the lower 48 states for the exclusive rights to drill oil in Alaska; instead of working for a truly free enterprise which should be everyone's goal in a free country;

This will allow for a true free market value of oil, gas and minerals.

Support enactment of highly localized monopoly laws limiting social collectives, both government and private (corporate, union, special interest or non profit all combined) to no greater than 2% ownership or interest (including debts or indentures) of land or water of any county. Limiting any collective or combined collectives as defined that have mutual investors, mutual agreements or any other attachment, ownership or interest (including debts or indentures), to no greater than 25,000 acres within the US and its territories.

33.) Remove and prohibit any type of National Identification for man, animal or other property.

34.) Remove all state and federal exclusive privileges. (
See Virginia Declaration of Rights: IV)

35.) Remove any federal control over state standing armed forces except for mode of training and place those powers into the hands of the states as is the intention of the founders to insure free and independent states;

The exception, as presented in the Constitution, when for defenses and structures for the defense against foreign aggression, not in actual duty outside the United States, or its territories; or only at the request and application by the state for assistance to the state, when arises an insurrection;

36.) The prohibition of any federal control over state, county or private militias formed in defense of free states, free local communities and free commonwealths as defined in the originating documents and through the originating founders intents that establish a 25 to 1 ratio of power of citizen militias over federal standing forces;

See James Madison 25 to 1 Ratio of civilian strength over standing Army:

James Madison who wrote the Constitution together the Bill of Rights:

"The highest number to which a standing army can be carried in any country does not exceed one hundredth part of the souls, or
one twenty-fifth part of the number able to bear arms.

portion would not yield, in the United States, an army of more than twenty-five or thirty thousand men.

To these
would be opposed a militia amounting to near half a million citizens with arms in their hands, "officered by men chosen from "among themselves", fighting for "their" common liberties and united and conducted by government"s" possessing their affections and confidence.

It may well be doubted whether a militia thus circumstanced could ever be conquered
by such a proportion of regular troops.

Besides the
"advantage" of being armed, it forms a barrier against the enterprises of "ambition", more insurmountable than any which a simple government of any form can admit of.

The governments of Europe are afraid to trust the people with arms.

If they did, the people would surely shake off the yoke of tyranny, as America did.

Let us not insult the free and gallant citizens of America with the suspicion that they would be less able
to defend the rights of which they would be in actual possession than the debased subjects of arbitrary power would be to rescue theirs from the hands of their oppressors."

And see the: Constitutional Debates MONDAY, June 16, 1788.[1] [Elliot misprinted this as Monday, June 14, 1788.] defining state powers of  authority over federal as being the founder's intent.

See also the
Virginia and Kentucky Resolutions by Thomas Jefferson and James Madison that further establish this intent.

37.) Remove all federal, state, county and city arms laws or infringements against the second amendment and adequately rearm and stock all state, local county and local community Armories.

This is a federal and state responsibility; See:
Constitutional Debates MONDAY, June 16, 1788.[1] [Elliot misprinted this as Monday, June 14, 1788.] .

38.) Drivers Licenses to be established simply for the documentation of the person's ability to drive and for this purpose only.

39.) Remove protections to lending institutions that frivolously promote indebtedness and card debt. Give no legal relief to such persons or institutions in the courts.

40.) Work to remove the criminal practice by lending institutions and private lenders practicing confidence artistry, giving no legal relief in the courts to recover debt encouraged by it, establishing stiff penalties for the practice of it.

41.) Re-institute all bankruptcy protections.

42.) Give no legal relief in courts to lenders for interest charged over 8% to other than sophisticated investors or sophisticated investment property holders of land that at minimum will continue to possess 75% non indebted value above the sought loan;

43.) Give no relief in courts to lenders against borrowers failure to repay from loans given to borrowers that had combined debt monthly payments at the time of the loan that would assume over 10% of their monthly income.

44.) Establishment of Usury laws that limit interest to 8% government and private, except to sophisticated investors.

45.) Convert all lands owned by foreign nationals into 70 year leases for which they will permanently terminate;  Giving them a 70 year window to move and sell any lands to United States Citizens before any remaining properties will be auctioned.

46.) Prohibit any and all further purchases, interests or leases of land and or water rights to and by foreign persons, companies or interests; 

47.) Prohibit any and all further purchases, interests or leases of land and or water rights to any United States company or combined companies that has foreign owned interests greater than 2%. All foreign interest above that amount must either be purchased by the company at fair market value of shares, or must sell such stock or interests to the market within 5 years.

48.) 5 year limit for foreign persons to sell their interests in any American corporations that possess land or water.

49.) Prohibit land trusts to the generality and collectives; All trusts must have named actual single individuals or single family recipients as independent recipients with full title ownership, and not fictitious individuals, or state born exclusive privileged entities, such as corporations or any type of collective, union, special interest group, government agency, bureaucracy, government entity, government beneficiary, or government privileged or nonprofit group, (i.e. collectives).

50.) Establish a system of dispersing properties of all state born exclusive privileged entities unto the owners of them into ownership titles of the individual persons; Removal and prohibition of all government exclusive privileges, whether federal, county, state or other.

Signature ____________________________________Date __________________

Printed Name: _________________________________




Position For Endorsement Sought _________________________________


District _______________________________________________________


Mail to:
American Patriot Party - National Headquarters
PO Box 637
Ashland, OR 97520

National Chair ______________________________ Date ______________

State Chair _________________________________ Date ______________

                               SEAL                                                          SEAL

Endorsement may limited or need approval by the State Chair.
Endorsements are limited in time for the election and first term and must be reapplied.


The Oregon State Elections Division of the American Patriot Party provides the American Patriot Party National Headquarters Elections Division with candidates from all states that wish to return the United States to the intended foundations of a free country. This is the Official American Patriot Party State of Oregon Party and State Elections Division of the American Patriot Party Candidates State Center for Elections; The Party that Defends and Secures the True Definition of Inalienable Rights through Education of the Laws of the Declaration of Independence and Bill of Rights. Welcome to the American Patriot Party of Oregon, The Oregon State Patriots Party.

Official Oregon State American Patriot Party Elections Division and Elections Commission of the American Patriot Party; Serving Candidates and Official State Elections for party members and endorsed candidates in Oregon and in all 50 of the United States and its territories.

State of Oregon Elections Division Oregon Candidate Vote Division APP 

Oregon State Elections Division of the American Patriot Party.

Welcome to the American Patriot Party National Headquarters Elections Division and Oregon State Patriot Party State Chapter Elections Division,

This is the Official State of Oregon Patriot Party, Oregon State Elections Division of the American Patriot Party Candidates State Center for Elections,

The Party that Defends and Secures the True Definition of Inalienable Rights through Education of the Laws of the Declaration of Independence and Bill of Rights;

 The Oregon State Patriots Party. Inalienable Rights, States Rights Local Control.

Interested candidates, contact the: 
American Patriot Party









































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































