|  | True American Patriot What constitutes Freedom and Patriotism in a free country.
If you usethe excuse ``I am just doing my job" and that job is contrary to the meaningsof the Declaration of Independence or Bill of Rights; You are a deceivingyourself to the true meaning of being a Patriotic American;
If you believe that themeanings of these Rights are subject to interpretation or change and notto be upheld in their complete, literal meaning; you are defeating what itis this country stands for.
Regardless of what kind of service you have given this country in the past - Ask Benedict Arnold, if you believe that the original meanings are not absolute; you have lost the true meaning of freedom;
The term ``Treason" to freedom is often misused by our present Federal government;
Indeed,it is because the federal government and federal representatives so oftenestablish laws that are seated solidly within it.
There are three major indicators to a traitor to the United, Free and Independent States of America:
1.) He is ignorant of, does not want to read, nor understand, and has never read the Declaration of Independence, nor does he understand his first Right and Duty;
Nor does he understand the 40 Grievances which present what freedom is not and describe 40 definitions and acts of a tyrannical government; These Grievances are why we kicked the last Government out;
The opposite of these grievances are what represents what Freedom is.
He has not read the Constitutional Debates that define the INTENT of the Founders with regard to the Constitution.
2.) He has or has not read the Declaration of Independence but chooses ignore the document and and attempts to present that it is old and out dated.
Which is completely incorrect; and if you read these 40 Grievancesyou will see the same things happening to us from our own "so called" free"federal government" as was occurring to the colonists then.
Read also the Intent of the Founders in the Constitutional Debates.
3.)He ignores the document and either using the excuse of "just doing his JOB"obeying without question laws that are contrary; or obeying contrary lawswithout question for what he has been told to do; Or is fully against thedocument, and takes steps to publicly denounce, create laws that annul ordisregard its meanings; Then attempts to alienate those true patriots thathold to these most cherished inalienable rights which are our most cherishedlaws;
These above illustrate absolute Treason: Ignorance, Apathy, and Aggression.
-------------------------- From the Declaration of Independence: "We hold these truths to be self evident,that all men were endowed by their creator (God given birth rights) withcertain (absolute) inalienable (birth rights that can never be compromised,sold, given away or taken away) rights, and among (Further the Bill of Rights)these (rights) are life (to live, where and how we want), liberty (come andgo as and how we want, without hindrance or attention) and the pursuit ofhappiness (do or try to do what ever we wish that makes, or what we feelmay make, us happy; within and respecting the basic foundations of inherent,natural and essential rights). -------------------------
These truths did not happen over night. The Founders understood history and knew where they came from.
Should you care to review the real history of rights, take a look at the documents that established them.
If you are a military man and you do not fight for these original reasons and rights, what good are you?!
Youmight as well join the other side and fight against us - especiallyif all your reasoning is to do as your told and blindly obey orders! (...ours is not to reason why, etc.);
All the other armies of the world can do that!
AllAmericans, military or otherwise need to make a choice, Are you fightingfor the Declaration of Independence and Bill of Rights which never change?;
Or , Are you fighting for the Federal Bureaucracy and a Constitutionwhich has been eroded so badly by them that our political leaders and judgeshave deemed those meaning and rights we fought for as changeable with the``times"?."?.
Maybe your excuse is "Peace";
If Peace is moreimportant to freedom, then why did the original patriots take up arms whenthey were at that time at peace, and could continue at peace if they remainedgood little law abiding citizens and paid their taxes; yet they chose totake up arms and say no more taxation, no more controls, no more laws andprocedure over justice.
Maybe numbers is your excuse, I have heardthis one from a military man, If all the citizenry where to revolt I wouldnot fight against them, but if it was only a small group of people that wereuprising against the government, I would have no problem with stopping them....
How about a small group of freedom fighters facing you across Lexington bridge?
Youare being brain washed by the federal government through there propagandayou yourself are helping pay for. "Nationalist" Propaganda is a great dangerto this country and freedom.
If you are military, you can take being insulted with the truth to your face; Or would you rather metell you lies like "one man an army" or "be all that you can be" until youget to the battle field in some foreign country where you find yourself withoutall that fancy technology softening up the landscape for you; And just as stiff as yourdead farmer adversary who was given no choice but to fight you; and neitherof you knowing just exactly what your fighting for;
Don't even think of saying I'm fighting for "America" (blind nationalism) when it is Freedom defined by certain Inalienable rights you are fighting for;
America and we ourselves had a government before this one and we kicked those people out.
And don't say "for freedom" if you cannot define it;
Give yourself a test: Name just one of the Grievances of the Declaration of Independence;
If you can't then you don't have any ideawhat your fighting for; The Grievances, of which there are 40, define whatfreedom is not - The opposite of these grievances are what freedom is; Theyare the defining factors of freedom; They describe the issues that made peopletake up arms and throw out their own government and define when it is necessaryto do so.
America and freedom and patriotism is not borders or flags; but "Certain Inalienable Rights".
This is what makes us different from all the world!
It is Freedom defined and Justice; and not borders, nor simply "Laws" (England had many of those),:
Thomas Jefferson:
"Rightfulliberty is unobstructed action according to our will within limits drawnaround us by the equal rights of others.
I do not add 'within thelimits of the law', because law is often but the tyrant's will, and alwaysso when it violates the rights of the individual~~"
Nor Symbols such as flags (see Flag), what country doesn't have one of those?;
Nor even Peace (read Patrick Henry's poem "is Peace so dear or life so sweet to be had at the hands of slavery?")
Peace without justice or by subjugation, is not peace but only a quiet form of slavery.
And you had better know the difference.
Eventhough peace is striven for; if the government(s) of this country continueson its same path, let no man be bound by peace over freedom nor waver fromhis first Right and Duty as defined in the Declaration of Independence; Hint: there is onlyone place in the Declaration of Independence that these two words "Rightand Duty" are used together and it has nothing to do with nationalism.
Here is a Pop Quiz:
1.) What did we fight and die for in the revolutionary war
A.) The Declaration of Independence?
B.) The Constitution?
2.) Is no taxation without our permission an inalienable RIGHT? Read the 17th Grievance of the Declaration of Independence and John Locke on Civil Government.
A.) Yes
B.) No
3.) What is your FIRST RIGHT and DUTY as an American? or for that matter a Soldier?
A.) To protect the Constitution of the United States in whatever form or meaning it changes into.
B.) If your Inalienable Rights are tampered with (among these - Bill of Rights),to over throw the government and place those Rights back?
4.)Can the operation of the Constitution change or Interpret or change the ``InalienableRights" documented in the Declaration of Independence
A.) Yes
B.) No
5.)What Document did George Washington read to his troops before every battleso that there was no question to what they were fighting, sacrificing anddying for?
A.) The Constitution
B.) The Declaration of Independence
C.) The Federalist Papers
6.) How many of the signers of the Declaration of Independence were tortured and Hung as Traitors at that time by their own Government?
Place Answer here:___________________ (read CDF "Founders" for answer).
7.)How many Signers died fighting their own Government, the greatest army andNavy in the world at that time.______________________ (read CDF "Founders"for answer)
8.) Final Question: Would you ever risk being a traitor to the "FederalGovernment" to be a Patriot like the Founders for a Free and IndependentAmerica as was originally intended? _________________ (You will have to answerthis one yourself)
The question is, Will you make the changes necessaryin the laws so that there is no conflict between the government and the people,or will you stand by and let Ignorance, Apathy, and Aggression continue until there remains no choice?
I think that you and I can agree that education as to what freedom really is, can keep the peace we all wish for.
Read the Documents you so often brag about being part of, and then learn the answers.
Freedom is more than living in a geological location!
Ask the British; Those that couldn't swim or find a ship to England, migrated to Canada in 1776.
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Zoning and other Regulations that obstruct truly free enterprisebut for those who can purchase or manipulate them are a bane to true libertyand above all other factors in this country create unemployment.
Zoning does not control growth, Zoning and regulations control people;and forces free enterprise into the open arms of a government bureaucracywhere growth is untethered; Increasing social bureaucratic dependency andincreasing the burden on free enterprise and a free people.
True American Freedom begins with education of the Declaration ofIndependence and the 40 Grievances that define 40 definitions to recognizetyranny in government. Have you read them?
Read the Declaration of Independence now at the Oregon Patriot Party http://www.oregonpatriotparty.com
Educating civilians, military, militia and the world about true Americanfreedom defined by the founding fathers of this country.
CDF, educating true freedom and justice, one Patriot at a time.
Thomas Jefferson:
"Rightful liberty is unobstructed action according to our will within limits drawn around us by the equal rights of others.
I do not add 'within the limits of the law', because law is oftenbut the tyrant's will, and always so when it violates the rights of the individual.~~" |
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